After reading Rosabel Miro's report in Xenornis, I went with Gloriela this afternoon to Costa del Este (Panama City) in order to see what we can get in the
extensive grasslands of the area. As soon as we got there, we started to see some medium-sized birds: a flock of Cattle Egrets, at least two Southern Lapwings and a Whimbrel. Of course all these birds got away when we tried to approach them, with only one of the lapwings staying enough for photos. Eventually, I found some activity at the same muddy pool where I previously saw a Solitary Sandpiper. This time, the Solitary Sandpiper was not so solitary since it was with two Pectoral
Sandpipers. Both species were lifers for Gloriela and the Pectorals were new year-birds for me! These birds were quite photogenic... they preferred to freeze (instead of flying away) when we got closer. At close-range we were able to enjoy the attractive pattern of these bright-coloured individuals... WOW, they proved to be very impressive! We clearly saw all the pertinent field marks for its identification: the densely streaked breast sharply delimited, totally white undertail coverts, yellow legs, pale base of the bill, white eyebrow and its relative size (similar to that of the Solitary Sandpiper).

Are not they beautiful? Sure they are! In the way back we failed to locate the Sora reported by Rosabel, but the fields were full of Eastern Meadowlarks. Despite
it is a very common bird, it is always nice to have a good opportunity to photograph them. OK, they are very attractive if seen well, with its bright yellow underparts and the black "V" at the chest, but its dense dorsal pattern makes them very difficult to detect in its environment. We almost stepped on one of them... it flew right from our feet! We counted at least eight of them in the little piece of land that we walked, and we heard others.
So, ready to get your Pectoral Sandpiper and all those nice birds in Panama City?
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