I have to admit that I often visit the Metropolitan Nature Park in Panama City despite it is ridiculously close to our house. Nevertheless, the place is just great for birding... nowhere else you'll find forest birds so close to a large and modern city (actually in the middle of a large and modern city). For example, during my last visit (some days ago) I found this Forest Elaenia just behind the Visitors' Center.
Forest Elaenia |
As its name suggest, this is a forest bird... more often heard than seen because it is a canopy-dweller; but this guy was pretty low catching juicy caterpillars in front of me. Notice the seldom seen yellow crown patch:
Forest Elaenia... yummy! |
Other forest dwellers are pretty common as well... and I'm not talking only about birds because several mammals species are present too. During my short walk I saw two troops of Geoffroy's Tamarins, one troop of Mantled Howler Monkeys, a Coatimundi and several Central American Agoutis quietly feeding close to the trails.
Central American Agouti |
Another conspicuous element in this park during this time of the year are the migrants. I saw no less than seven species of wood-warblers along the trails, plus Summer Tanager, Baltimore Oriole and Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I manage some photos of the most cooperative birds: Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Waterthrush and Golden-winged Warbler.
Black-and-white Warbler (male) |
Northern Waterthrush |
Golden-winged Warbler (male) |
Some of the above came with mixed flocks including resident species, like Lesser Greenlets, White-shouldered Tanagers, Tropical Gnatcatchers and Olivaceous Woodcreepers. However, one resident species caught my attention: a pair of Yellow-green Tyrannulets. This species is endemic to Panama, and a canopy-dweller too... so it wasn't easy to take a photo!
Yellow-green Tyrannulet (ENDEMIC!!!) |
I managed this poor shot... but you can see the slender profile (similar to a gnatcatcher), two yellow wingbars and white eyering. I noticed it first by its thrilling call and confirmed the ID after seeing it raising quickly and repeatedly its wing over the back. Everyday with an endemic is, certainly, a good day... specially so close to home!
muy buena el YG Tyrannulet, nada fácil de fotografiar