Many reasons make december my favourite month of the year: the fresh air, the bird counts, the holidays (specially Christmas), and of course, my birthday... yes, I just turned 32 yesterday in company of my family and friends with a "traditional" fruit cake. The only advantage of this date is that I can open my presents before everybody else! In a kind of Christmas tradition now, all my family spent the Christmas evening at my sister's home. We brought all the gifts and put them under the tree waiting for Christmas in order to deliver them. In Panama, as many other Latin American countries, we wait for Christmas, and the 00:00 hrs of december 25th is marked by a serious deployment of fireworks, music and joy... just have a look at the video (filmed by my brother with his i-phone) and you will see that it looks like a scene of the "Terminator" film!
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!! Now, you can open your presents!

Hola Jan, Feliz Cumpleaños y felicidades a los dos, pues veo que estan esperando un bebe.