After reading in Facebook about the sighting of an
Hudsonian Godwit in Veracruz beach today (thanks to
Beny Wilson... not a Scarlet Ibis, but a much better bird instead!!!), I went with Gloriela to the west side of the Panama

Canal in order to find the bird. The Hudsonian Godwit is a very rare winter visitor to Panama, with only a handful of reports. It would have been a life bird... if it have been found by us! Despite the dipping, we enjoyed a wonderful evening at the beach, crossing it largely thanks to the low tide. At first glance, we only saw scattered shorebirds close to the water... but a more careful look revealed tons of shorebirds around the rocks. A group of Willets and Black-bellied Plovers was mixed with Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings and Surfbirds (the last

one a life bird for Gloriela), since other three species of Plovers (Collared, Wilson's and Semipalmated) plus Least Sandpipers were inspecting the mud among the rocks, perfectly camouflaged. Despite we checked all the Willets and shorebirds in range, we could not find the Godwit. After the sun came down, we decided to have dinner in one of the restaurants at the beach (the fried fish was excellent)... no Godwits today, lets try again tomorrow!

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