Yesterday, november 28th, Panama celebrated its independence of Spain, back in 1821. We spent the weekend at Penonome, celebrating the

independence too... but away of the parades. Despite the fact that this was mostly a kind of relaxing trip, somehow I convinced Gloriela to join me on a short trip to the Aguadulce Salinas (saltflats), 30 minutes away from Penonome. It was around noon, very hot, and with a not very high tide, but anyway she accepted. As expected, the saltflats were devoid of birds... but we still managed to get some species. In the road, on a wire, a lonely Pearl Kite was inspecting its territory, while a distant flock of peeps flew

forming a dark cloud over the saltflats, moving from one side to another. A distant group of white dots in the horizon resulted to be
Wood Storks resting... later on the day we saw them soaring in a thermal current. No spoonbills, nor stilts this time... maybe it was to hot for them. Only few sandpipers where at the edge of the ponds close to the road, with
Least and
Semipalmated Sandpipers getting closer... but also recording a flock of
Western Sandpipers that quickly flew away. Well, not a great diversity, but entertaining anyway!

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