July is my vacation month this year. Gloriela managed to get july as her vacation month too, so we planned a lot of activities (too many I guess for only 30 days). The plan includes fieldtrips to the Chiriqui province, to attend the PAS fieldtrip to Santa Fe, beach weekends, Patronales in Santiago and many other minor trips. I already started yesterday joining Rafael Luck, Osvaldo Quintero and his relatives in a trip beyond the Bayano bridge (eastern Panama). We didn't got many birds pics (except for a cooperative Red-rumped Woodpecker and a group of Crested Caracaras) but we spent a wonderful time enjoying nature and the traditional "pesca'o frito" in Coquira. In the way back, I run up with the presidential procession transfering from AtlaPa to the Casco Viejo. Because you never get completely free of work, I also plan to finish some reports and research protocols during these days. July is also a busy month regarding birthdays in my family. My mom, sister and her spouse all were born a month like this one. By the way:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANUEL! Wait for us to have some cake with you in the evening.

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