Last thursday, Gloriela, Osvaldo Quintero, Osvaldo Quintero Jr. and myself went to Las Nubes of Cerro Azul, a very quiet and pleasant community no more than 45 minutes to the east of Panama City. Our main objective was to find (and photograph) one of the American Swallow-tailed Kites' nests that are around. We arrived late in the afternoon, finding a cold, wet and foggy environment.
Soon we got common backyard birds: Yellow-faced & Blue-black Grassquits, Variable Seedeater, Tropical Pewee, Tropical Kingbird, White-tipped Doves, Blue-and-gray, Palm and Plain-colored Tanagers. We also saw some kites soaring over us but, alas, no nests.
It wasn't until we found a local worker, who showed us an Eucalyptus tree that was holding an active nest, that we were able to watch two overgrown chicks. Later, we found another nest with an adult kite on it. My distant and cropped picture shows one of the chicks on the first nest (better pictures by Osvaldo at Xenornis)
It was a nice, after-work, relaxing trip. Except by the mud on my shoes, everything went right as planned (we found the birds and spend a wonderful time).

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