Birding takes you to amazing places. Even if you're birding close to home, you may feel that you are hundreds of miles away. Well, I recently had that feeling.
Alfred Raab, an old friend of mine winter-resident of
Altos del María (AdM), an exclusive development in the foothills of western Panama province, invited me to bird his domains. He wanted to show me some new year-birds for my Big Year quest and I was not going to refuse it. So, accompanied by Rolando Jordan, we left Panama City around 5:00 am and spent the next 1.5 hours driving along the dry and hot Pacific lowlands while chatting about the probabilities for the day. Soon we met Alfred at the entrance of AdM.
Altos del María at 8:40 am |
AdM development includes several private neighborhoods with paved roads and all the facilities, well-maintained trails and exuberant green areas. It spreads from about 350 to up to 1100 meters above sea level, with habitats that includes shrubs and pasture lands, secondary dry forests and primary cloud forest as well. The latter, being above the 1000 meters mark and near (or at) the Continental Divide, are extremely wet, almost always covered in mist and quite chilly... sure it makes you wonder if you are still in Panama! Well, of course we headed that way!
Red-faced Spinetail (immature) |
The weather is not the only thing making you feel away of your usual birding spot... the birds as well! Those forests represent the extreme eastern end of the range of several species of the western highlands, like Black Guan, Snowcap, Purple-throated Mountain-Gem, White-tailed Emerald, Black-faced Grosbeak and Elegant Euphonia... but also are home to some other more widely distributed highlands specialties that are nearly impossible to find in other central foothills (like Cerro Campana or Cerro Azul), like Scaled Antpitta, Red-faced Spinetail, Rufous-browed Tyrannulet, Sooty-faced Finch and others. Some species are extremely difficult to find although, but still the list of possibilities is impressive considering how close to the big city it is and how developed it had become!
Common Chlorospingus ssp. punctulatus |
Well, we were amazed by the activity up there... the dawn chorus was in its splendor, including five (5) different wrens species just yards away (Song, Scaly-breasted, Isthmian, Rufous-breasted, Rufous-and-White, White and Gray-breasted Wood-Wrens)! We even got a new bird for AdM for Alfred (Gray-chested Dove). However, the mist and rain made us move to a lower section, finding blue skies mere 10 minutes away! Soon, we started to see flocks of Common Chlorospingus, one of the most conspicuous species in mixed flocks in AdM and represented there by the ssp. punctulatus, once considered a full species ("Dotted Chlorospingus"). The taxonomy of actual Common Chlorospingus is certainly a mess... with several different forms meriting specific status for sure! Anyway, AdM is probable the best place to watch this form. Other common foothills/highlands species seen or heard were Green-crowned Brilliant, Green Thorntail, Brown Violetear (lifer for Rolando), Tawny-crested Tanagers, Northern Emerald-Toucanets, White-throated Spadebill (one of my targets) and many more!
Brown Violetear |
Northern Emerald-Toucanet |
One of the most entertaining areas is Valle Bonito, with its trail to the Continental Divide. It starts at an artificial lagoon with more open habitat that holds some aquatic species as well. It is an exclusive area... even AdM residents like Alfred need a written permit in advance to enter the area. Glad Alfred had it! It was impressive how different the weather was: sunny and calmed... The walk into the forest produced few species (like Bicolored Antbird and Bronze-tailed Plumeleteers), while the walk around the lagoon produced a handsome Bran-colored Flycatcher showing exactly how bran color looks like!
Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer |
Bran-colored Flycatcher |
We decided to go back to first site... perhaps it was already clear and sunny as well and we had some targets only found at the wettest parts of the forest. To our surprise, the place was still foggy and chilly! We walked some trails adding few new species to our list. One of these trails get you to a lookout that is good for soaring raptors... but we knew the chances of seeing them were very few due to weather. Anyway, the sight of the cloud forest from the lookout was impressive. Moss-covered trees dominated the landscape up there... it looked like another world!
Monte Azul lookout at 2:10 pm |
It was a too short day at AdM with Alfred and Rolando. We ended with more than 90 species in spite of the weather. To celebrate, we had a quick lunch at a local restaurant accompanying our sancocho (typical chicken soup) with an excellent papaya milkshake. It was time to go back to the city and to say good-bye to Alfred, not without promising that we will go back after those -few- species that we missed that day. Happy birding guys!
Alfred, Jan and Rolando. AdM |
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